Sunday, September 6, 2009
I use the term advisedly. Having worked with many entrepreneurs who have had to leave the businesses they have created over the years, “succession anxiety” is a disease that can have some unpleasant outcomes. In the middle of a sale process, it often leads to what looks like a narcissistic desire to prolong the process [...]
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Mole: Gordon Brown ‘on drugs to control depression’ | News | The First Post.
Poor old Gordon. The problem with being such a poor and weak leader is that you open yourself up to this sort of bollocks:
The civil servant who told Ward of the banned list apparently wrote it off as quackery and “nonsense”, [...]
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Roubini: “U-shaped” recovery is possible – Yahoo! Finance.
The most cheerful thing I’ve seen in ages – if he thinks a U-shaped recovery is possible (and not a “W”) then we gotta chance……!
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Sunday, September 6, 2009
Having just discovered her, I can’t work out whether I like Megan McArdle or not. I’m attracted to her description of herself as a libertarian and her obvious fluency in philosophical debate on economic issues, but astonished at just how alien some of the stances she takes seem to be. This is her “last [...]